
  • Lionel Windsor
  • 26 August 2024
“The God of the universe has an amazing plan, and he is putting that plan into action through the preaching of the gospel. This plan has world-shattering implications and is deeply relevant to our lives.”

Matthias Bible Guides assist in personal and group study of various books of the Bible, one book at a time. In this volume, New Testament scholar Lionel Windsor unpacks the book of Ephesians. Having spent years studying Ephesians and teaching from it—at Bible college, at conferences, online, and in the local church—Dr Windsor is ideally placed to guide readers through this magisterial letter from the apostle Paul. He handles the book’s controversies with a mixture of humility and confidence.

Lionel Windsor formerly worked as a photovoltaics engineer at a solar cell research company. He is now an ordained Anglican minister, lecturing in New Testament at Moore College in Sydney. He is the author of Truth Be Told, Is God Green? and Gospel Speech and Gospel Speech Online.