It’s a brand new year and everything is starting up again, including home group. Off you go, expecting what you got used to last year… but new people are there now. And because there are brand new people, the group feels different. The old dynamic that you quite liked last year (or at least got used to!) isn’t the same.
How do we talk to each other about our sin? I think the answer to that question comes from how we think about our sin and about each other, and about what it is that Jesus has done for us.
How do we disagree with each other? If you’ve been around any church for more than 12 months you’ll know that there are many disagreements. Sometimes these are fairly small and trivial. In every church I’ve ever been in there’s been an argument about the colour or type of the furnishings. And the carpet is a small issue compared with some of the wider ones that impact on life, like who Jesus is, how God saves, and other major doctrinal truths.