Tim Beilharz

Tim Beilharz is a Children's Ministry Advisor for Anglican Youthworks. He has been serving in children's ministry for over 16 years and has a particular interest in effective ministry to boys. Tim, his wife Ros and their two kids are members of Soul Revival Church in Kirrawee, Sydney.

Fathering the fatherless in our churches

  • Tim Beilharz
  • 21 January 2016

Currently 20% of Australian and 43% of American children are growing up in homes without fathers. Father-absent homes are common in our communities, our schools, and also our churches.

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Helping our boys become godly men

  • Tim Beilharz
  • 24 November 2015

A couple of weekends ago, I attended the buck’s day celebration of a good Christian friend. In many ways it was a fairly ordinary day. Scenes of embarrassing public dress, a few games of bowling, inflatable boxing and fast food meals; in short, a day of good fun and frivolity. One part celebrated the boyish fun that will (in part!) be left behind, another rejoiced in our brother’s upcoming commitment to become a married man.

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