Quit Your Day Job

  • Gordon Cheng
  • 3 July 1990

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The Tyranny of Tolerance

  • Phillip Jensen
  • 3 July 1990

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Are there no working class Christians?

  • 3 July 1990

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Missing Links or Missing Logic?

  • 3 July 1990

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Barbara Thiering

  • Tony Payne
  • 3 July 1990

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Where have all the false teachers gone?

  • John Chapman
  • 17 July 1990

At the Last Supper, Jesus warns his disciples that there will be constant conflict between those who are his and those who are of “the world”. He reminds them through his prayer that “the world has hated them because they are not of the world any more than I am

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  • Tony Payne
  • 17 July 1990

There are some questions that make us think about our priorities and values. You know, the “What three things would you take with you into the bomb shelter?” sort of question.“Who are your heroes?” is just such a question. Leaving aside the obvious answer, whose example do you aspire to?

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How Certain Can You Be?

  • Anonymous
  • 17 July 1990

When your friend asks you to prove the existence of God, ask him to prove that his wife loves him.Proving the existence of God is a strange task, along the lines of proving that my wife loves me. However, we are called upon to do it from time to time

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Starving our Children

  • Andrew Lansdown
  • 17 July 1990

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New Quest or Old Excuse?

  • Tony Payne
  • 7 August 1990

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