The Coming Crisis

  • 7 August 1990

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New Quest or Old Excuse?

  • Tony Payne
  • 7 August 1990

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A Welcome Antidote

  • Andrew Reid
  • 7 August 1990

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It is no Dream

  • 7 August 1990

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Lead balloon: Motherhood and Apple Pie

  • Anonymous
  • 21 August 1990

Lead balloons: ideas only slightly too outrageous to be taken seriously.Recently, Mr Hawke has passed Mr Fraser as the second longest-serving Prime Minister in the history of Australia. It has not been as tumultuous a reign as Mr Whitlam's, but Mr Hawke has led our nation through a time of

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The Search for Worship

  • Mark Thompson
  • 21 August 1990

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We hate it but we need it

  • 21 August 1990

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Protestants? No, Proclaimers!

  • 21 August 1990

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Stay in your day job

  • 21 August 1990

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Martin Luther King

  • 21 August 1990

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