Why I hate pornography

  • Rory Shiner
  • 1 June 2001

I hate pornography!I hate it for all the sorts of reasons that you might have guessed. I hate the exploitation of women and the cheapening of sexuality. I hate the cheap label it places on love. I hate it because I love women—I have a mum and a sister; I

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The trouble with travel

  • Emma Thornett
  • 1 June 2001

I've just spent a few weeks travelling and I've made a discovery: travelling and church-going don't mix well. I found that it involved about 45,000 times more effort on my part to go to any church ... let alone a church with good teaching! It wasn't just a problem with

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Kids rock (CD)

  • Stephanie Carmichael
  • 1 June 2001

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A closer look: Ephesians 5:22-33

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 June 2001

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On the resurrection of the body

  • 1 June 2001

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Saving the world

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 1 June 2001

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Another church on Mayfair

  • 1 July 2001

Name: Richard CoekinFamily: Married to Siân; four children, Charlotte (9), Rupert (7), Rhian (5), Johnny (3).Ministry background: Trained at Moore College, Sydney, and Wycliffe Hall, Oxford; four years at St Mary's, Manchester; appointed pastor of Dundonald Church, Wimbledon, in 1995, and has served as that church's first full-time minister since

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Revelation and recovery: A wife’s story

  • Anonymous
  • 1 July 2001

I knew practically nothing about homosexuality when my husband of 10 years told me the shocking truth that he would prefer tobe in a relationship with a man. He hadn't ‘acted out’ or been unfaithful to me in practice but I wasn't what he wanted. I felt like the poor

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Diagnosing the past

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 July 2001

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Adams’s fearof the future

  • Greg Clarke
  • 1 July 2001

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