Latest Ideas

Failing fast

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 February 2017

Editorial from Vine Journal 5.

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Delighting in difference

  • Mike Allen
  • 20 October 2016

The current trend in society is for people to deny difference in an effort to squash inequality. Mike Allen argues that difference is something that shouldn’t be ignored, but instead celebrated.

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Suggestions from a Scottish Sabbath

  • Kirsten McKinlay
  • 17 October 2016

Whether biblically mandated or not, there are benefits in having a day of rest and of setting Sunday apart as special.

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The work of ministry in Ephesians 4:12

  • Lionel Windsor
  • 13 October 2016

‘Ministry’ in Ephesians 4:12 does not mean ‘service’; it is fundamentally a matter of ‘bringing’ the saving gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to people.

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Thank God that we stand perfectly obedient before him!

  • Mike Leite
  • 10 October 2016

Now the first reaction to the title of this piece might be “What! How can anyone say they stand perfectly obedient before God?” On one level, this is the right reaction. How can anyone claim such a thing, knowing the place of sin in the human heart?

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Using the Bible to reason with unbelievers

  • Hannah Ploegstra
  • 6 October 2016

How do we use the Bible to reason with unbelievers when, on the one hand, they don’t recognize it as a valid source, while, on the other hand, it actually is the source, whether they recognize it or not?

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The hero of my story

  • Jean Williams
  • 3 October 2016

Do you take centrestage in your life? Are you the award-winner author of your story? Jean Williams shares the uncomfortable but comforting truth she's learnt about whose story she's in.

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Brothers, preach for immediate conversions!

  • Timothy Raymond
  • 29 September 2016

If you're tempted to tone down your expectations for fruit from proclaiming the gospel, please heed this plea from George Whitefield.

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Ten tips for a good missionary Skype interview

  • Peter Sholl
  • 26 September 2016

Have you ever had to sit through a church Skype call that was riddled with technical glitches and unhelpful questions? Peter Sholl has ideas to improve your next chat with your missionaries.

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The hidden hours of ministry: Personal godliness

  • Peter Tong
  • 22 September 2016

In this incisive piece, Peter Tong explores how sin in a minister’s private life can affect his or her ministry, and what can be done about it.

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