Review: "Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God" by JI Packer

  • 1 March 2011

Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God JI Packer Inter-Varsity Press, Westmont, 2008. 136 pp. Recently republished as part of the ‘IVP Classics’ series, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by JI Packer remains as relevant today as when it was first published in 1961. Well, so I’ve

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A course is a course, of course

  • Marty Sweeney
  • 1 March 2011

There are two ways to change a culture, as Tony Payne said in last December's Briefing. You can run as many people as possible through your programs and courses and hope for the best. Or, you can work individually and with small pockets of people to change the culture. The

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Speaking of miracles

  • Kel Richards
  • 1 March 2011

Do miracles occur today? If we evangelicals express caution in response to a question like that, we’re either accused of being Cessationists or told that we lack real faith in the God who is the same yesterday, today and forever. So, how should we respond to our charismatic friends

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Devoted to the public reading of Scripture

  • 1 March 2011

When Timothy was exercising respon­sibility over the Ephesian church, the apostle Paul instructed him as follows: “Until I come, devote your­­self to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching” (1 Tim 4:13). Although this was to be a temporary role for Timothy (“until I come”), it presumably outlived

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Humble strategic planning

  • 1 April 2011

”What’s your vision for Holy Trinity Adelaide?” This was one of the first questions that church pastors in the US asked me when I was there on sabbatical leave around ten years ago. “We want to preach the gospel and see people converted”, or something similar, was my reply. The

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The Universe Next Door by James W Sire

  • 1 April 2011

The Universe Next Door (5th edition) James W Sire IVP Academic, Downers Grove, 2009. 293 pp. I first read The Universe Next Door while I was at university. We were running an evangelistic event where students lined up to take a quiz to discover what world view

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A tale of three cities

  • 1 April 2011

Sydney It's 7 am Thursday, and I am sitting in a café on York Street in the central busi­ness district of Sydney. This is my hometown. The coffee, in case you were wondering, is okay. The Suncorp building towers above me, Grosvenor Place tall behind me, and every bus coming

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The future of books

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 April 2011

These are troubling times in the book business. As I sit down to write this month's Resource Talk, the dust is still settling after the financial collapse of the owner of two of Australia's largest bookselling chains. The management is blaming a mix of factors: the high Australian dollar, the

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Have we got the right Bible?

  • Mark Thompson
  • 1 April 2011

The Christian doctrine of Scripture has always been under attack. It’s really only to be expected. Jesus’ teaching was attacked by his contemporaries, who sought ways to discredit him and the things he was saying (John 8:43). The apostles who took the gospel from Jerusalem to Judea, Samaria and the

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Who is Jesus now?

  • 1 May 2011

Note: This is part 1 of a 3 part series on Jesus now—read part 2, 'Where is Jesus now?', or part 3, 'What is Jesus doing now?'. The title of this article, ‘Who is Jesus now?’, may not have instantly grabbed your attention. After all, I imagine that most

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