Talking about predestination with kids

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 June 2010

Some parents resent being the taxi driver. I offer to do it whenever I can. When else do your teenagers actually consent to sit within 10 metres of you, let alone talk to their friends while you listen? And besides, the opportunity to pay out their appalling music

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Is the church still serious about hell?

  • 1 June 2010

Hell is not a popular subject for Christians and non-Christians alike. However, for Jesus, hell was a very important topic—so much so that much of the information we have about it came from him. In this article, Jonathan Gibson explores several alternative views of hell as well as what the

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Keep the Sabbath

  • 1 June 2010

At the risk of being too general, most Christians agree it’s good and wise to keep the intention of the Sabbath by taking a day off every week and resting.[1. There have been some great Briefing articles about this. See, for example, ‘The relationship between the testaments: Law and Sabbath’

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Some reflections on team leadership

  • 1 June 2010

There has already been so much published on team leadership that, upon being asked to write this, my immediate response was, “Not another one!” I’m not even sure that ‘team leadership’ is the right category to use, for it leads us into business pragmatism rather than the Bible’s relational categories.

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Thanks for everything

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 July 2010

It was more than your average laid-back, phlegmatic Aussie could take: for about the 47th time in one day, an American pastor with a warm smile was shaking my hand and thanking me so much for the work I was doing and the valuable contribution Matthias Media was making to

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Sacrifice: Have we given up?

  • 1 July 2010

For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it. (Mark 8:35). This book will frighten some. Let none who want a book to soothe read on. We face the Cross.[1. Howard Guinness, ‘Author’s Preface’, Sacrifice,

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Diary of a ministry apprentice (Part 4): June-July 2008

  • Guan Un
  • 1 July 2010

This is the fourth instalment of a six-part series by Guan, who is the kind of person who is difficult to describe in one sentence. He is married to the singular M1 and, by this episode, has done ministry training (MTS) at the University of New South Wales for about

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Step by step to Mexico

  • Peter Sholl
  • 1 July 2010

From a church plant to Mexico: Peter Sholl talks about how God prepared his family for a good work in Latin America.Some people have a plan for their lives. They have a goal, they know how they're going to achieve it, and they work towards it. Others are content with

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The pastor and the evangelical priority list

  • Simon Flinders
  • 1 July 2010

God first, then wife, then children and then your church: that's how a pastor should structure his priorities, right? Simon Flinders explains why he disagrees.I've often heard people say that the pastor's ‘first congregation’ should be his family. That's a catchy way of articulating the kind of priority list they

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A layperson’s guide to giving up your life

  • 1 July 2010

What does it mean to do ministry but not be in ministry? How can you stay focused on ministry as a goal when it's not your full-time profession? Karen Beilharz tells her story, and how she came to answer some of these questions. Have you ever felt like you're headed

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