Naked God

  • Paul Grimmond
  • 1 April 2010

Martin Ayers has recently published his first book, Naked God (AUS | US). Paul Grimmond caught up with him recently to talk about what motivated the book and what it's like to be an author for the first time. Paul Grimmond: What's it been like to write your first

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Christless Christianity: An interview with Michael Horton

  • Peter Hastie
  • 7 April 2010

Has the Church become captive to the spirit of the age? Many believe that Martin Luther's fears, which led him to write The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, certainly apply to the modern Protestant church. Michael Horton, professor of systematic theology and apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary in California, believes

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A continuing story: 19th-century Methodists, charismatics and me

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 April 2010

Tony Payne finds his spiritual ancestors in 19th-century American Methodism, and pinpoints what drove them (and him) to seek the miraculous.In 2008, during some research for a paper on the history of ‘deliverance ministries’, I found myself ferreting around in 19th-century American Methodism.Fascinating, I hear you groan.It was for me,

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Where have all the miracles gone?

  • John Woodhouse
  • 1 April 2010

Who would you regard as the more significant influence upon your Christian life and thinking: John Stott or Mark Driscoll? In Sydney, where I live, nearly every­one over the age of 40 has only one answer to that question: through his books and articles, and his occasional visits over

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Jesus. All about life, by Murray Smith

  • Scott Petty
  • 1 May 2010

  Jesus. All about life (Youth Edition) Murray Smith Bible Society NSW, Macquarie Park, 2009. 135pp. Murray Smith has put together a smart and sassy little book called Jesus. All about life. This 135-page creation has an obvious connection with the evangelistic campaign of the same

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Can't read? Won't read!

  • 1 May 2010

  There are some great resources around for reaching people with the gospel—books on apologetics like If you could ask God one Question and Naked God—books that explain the gospel clearly, like A Fresh Start and Christianity Explained—and, of course, there are Bibles and Gospels that we can hand

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Making babies when sex just isn’t enough

  • 1 May 2010

Three things are never satisfied; four never say, “Enough”: Sheol, the barren womb, the land never satisfied with water, and the fire that never says, “Enough.” (Prov 30:15b-16) Infertility is on the rise: current statistics say it now affects one in six couples.[1.] If you are not personally affected,

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Diary of a ministry apprentice (Part 3): March to May-ish 2008

  • Guan Un
  • 1 May 2010

Here is the third part of this six-part series written by Guan who, in his spare time, likes to think about things. He is married to the remarkable M,[1. ‘M’ stands for Mary, here abbreviated to M in an effort to bring the world of Sesame Street just that little

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The joy of infertility

  • 1 May 2010

In the midst of the grief and pain of infertility, Karen Galvin found joy and opportunities to grow in godliness. In Briefing #262, Phil Wheeler wrote some pastoral reflections on infertility, entitling his article ‘A silent grief’. But I believe that infertility ought not to be so. In my experience,

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The book and the vine

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 May 2010

One of the more fascinating books I read last year had the ironic title The Book is Dead. Long Live the Book. It was a book seeking to persuade me that books are history. The author, Sherman Young, ran the provocative thesis that a ‘book’ was not the outer

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