The reluctant doorknocker

  • Paul Grimmond
  • 1 November 2009

When Dave Cunynghame was asked to join a church planting team that was aiming to reach the disadvantaged suburb of Berkeley, little did he know what God had in store. It’s one o’clock on a 2007 February Saturday afternoon in Berkeley, one of the southern suburbs of Wollongong on

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White star in the green: The challenge of ministry training in Pakistan

  • 1 November 2009

Briefing partner Overseas Council Australia (OCA) recently hosted Ashkenaz Asif, the Principal of Zarephath Bible Institute (ZBI) in Pakistan. In this article, Stuart Brooking, Executive Director of OCA, explains the significance of ZBI in its context. Life in Pakistan is a stark contrast to life in the western world. The

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Problems with the text

  • Phillip Jensen
  • 1 November 2009

I love puzzling over difficult parts of the Bible. I love it, for the difficulty is in my head, not on the page, and puzzling over these difficulties gives me an opportunity to change the way I think. Some years ago, a Rabbi pointed out to me that the footnotes

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Review: Finally Alive

  • Alan Radloff
  • 1 November 2009

If I hadn’t been asked to review this book, I may not have read it. So I’m glad I was asked. Finally Alive by John Piper is simply terrific, and I suggest you grab a copy today. Piper looks at new birth (regeneration), which is when the Holy Spirit supernaturally

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Overcomers Outreach

  • 1 November 2009

Alison Payne tells the story of how God used Penny Wilkinson's alcohol addiction to bring about much good.“Oh Alison, if I thought I could just go and play golf, I would.”I was standing in the car park of St Andrew's Cathedral in Sydney, Australia, late one Wednesday night, talking to

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Where to, Lord? An interview with Mark Charleston

  • Paul Grimmond
  • 1 November 2009

Mark Charleston trains and encourages ministers as part of his work with the Sydney Anglican Department of Ministry Training and Development. He regularly talks to ministers at turning points in their ministry. Paul Grimmond spoke to him recently about his reflections on the issues involved in choosing to move from

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Not Under Bondage

  • 1 November 2009

Not Under Bondage Barbara Roberts Maschil Press, Ballarat, 2008, 196pp. Divorce and remarriage are always controversial and troubling issues for those who wish to submit to the authority of God's word. Even for those who have given the subject some thought, it can be challenging

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When it’s time to go: The what, why and how of leaving church

  • Simon Flinders
  • 11 November 2009

People leave churches all the time. They may do so gradually or suddenly, they may do so thoughtfully or on a whim, and they may do so with godliness or with great unholiness, but the reality is that people do leave. Pastors may not like it, but some of us

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WordWatch: Ivory tower

  • Kel Richards
  • 11 November 2009

Today, we think of an ‘ivory tower’ as a place where you are separated from the flow of ordinary life. We are most likely to use ‘ivory tower’ when speaking of academics—on the rather quaint notion that they only need to understand the philosophy of the later Middle Ages, or

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Teaching the Psalms to our children

  • 11 January 2009

Content unavailable online.

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