Sharing the gospel in the gay village

  • 1 October 2009

John Bell pastors New City Baptist Church in the heart of Toronto. This is an edited excerpt of a piece that he wrote for, reflecting on the joys and challenges of his ministry to LGBT people. I began this ministry two years ago while working as an intern in a

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What to do with morality?

  • Paul Grimmond
  • 1 October 2009

I was listening to a sermon the other day, in which the preacher said, “Christianity is not about morality. It’s not about right and wrong. It’s about a relationship.” It’s not the first time I’ve heard that phrase, or something like it, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.

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Confusion abounds about spirituality

  • Phillip Jensen
  • 1 October 2009

It is a word used both inside and outside Christianity. But it covers such a wide range of phenomena, we often don’t know what people mean by it. ‘Spirituality’ refers to things of the soul, spirit or even mind, as opposed to things of the material, physical world. It is a

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Purity in the age of mobile porn

  • Ian Carmichael
  • 1 October 2009

Until recently, I’d not owned a mobile phone. But I was aware of the growing need for one: as the kids get older, my family seems more and more reliant on using mobiles to keep in touch. It was inevitable; resistance was futile. But I was also convinced I wouldn’t

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When liturgy fails to serve

  • 1 October 2009

During his visit to Sydney last year, Mark Driscoll expressed surprise at the ‘clunky’ services in the Anglican churches he visited. To his eye, there was no discernible flow that connected the different elements of these gatherings. Now, we could rejoice that he didn’t visit our church, and move on.

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The goodness of God

  • Paul Grimmond
  • 1 October 2009

My son has just turned eight, and the nostalgia is creeping in: my eighth birthday is the earliest one I can still distinctly remember. On that day, I made my entire family climb the closest thing that northern New South Wales has to a mountain in the height of the

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Holding onto the gospel: The challenge of preaching Jesus in South Africa

  • Paul Grimmond
  • 1 October 2009

Grant Retief has been working as a pastor and church planter in Durban, South Africa, for the past 12 years. In this interview, he talks with Paul Grimmond about the enormous social issues in South Africa, and what it means to hang on to the gospel and serve people there.

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For those with eyes to see

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 October 2009

It starts with trying to read the microwave instructions on the back of the packet in the kitchen, and having to move into some better light. Then you notice you're habitually setting the zoom in Microsoft Word to 200 per cent. The crunch comes when it starts to affect the

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Power to witness

  • Phillip Jensen
  • 1 October 2009

Have you ever felt powerless? Have you ever felt weak in the presence of others? Do you feel overwhelmed by the non-Christian world around you? Do you feel that your testimony to Christ is too weak and feeble to mention, and that the criticisms of Christianity are too loud, vocal

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If a prophet was preaching today

  • Paul Grimmond
  • 11 January 2009

The prophet Ezekiel says some awful things about idolatry and its similarity with prostitution (Ezekiel 23). Israel is described as a whoring wife for worshipping other gods. Surprisingly, in an age when pole dancing is a hobby, I suspect his language would still manage to offend modern sensibilities. It made

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