Confessions of a (more recent) bibliophile

  • Timothy Raymond
  • 13 December 2017

Should every Christian aspire to be a bibliophile? Only if every Christian desires to be increasingly conformed to the image of Christ.

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Six days of Easter studies and activities for kids

  • Carmelina Read
  • 30 March 2015

The advent calendars that children do over Christmas sometimes seem like they'll never end. It's too much for many families to realistically do a craft every day. But the Easter period is a lot shorter, often with less travel to distant relatives involved. This means that you may have some extra

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Think different

  • Ian Carmichael
  • 18 April 2018

If anybody was regarded as a little bit crazy in his time, a bit of a round peg in a square hole but who ultimately changed the world, it was Paul.

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When sacrifice isn't really sacrifice

  • Ian Carmichael
  • 20 July 2015

Romans 12:1 is often used as the go-to verse to back-up the challenge to be fully committed as a Christian. To give up my ambitions, and really make sacrifices for the sake of God. But as I was reading Romans 6 it struck me that reading 12:1 this way is probably misreading it and unhelpful.

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Down-under round-up, 24 June 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 24 June 2015

Charleston, forgiveness and safety, the idolatry of guns, making disciples, serving in your local church without going under, the conversion of the wallet, the Proverbs 31 man, how the church can help gay young people, how to be a welcoming and biblical church, and the GoThereFor 2.0 launch.

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When money disappears overnight (leaflet)

  • Gordon Cheng
  • 16 October 2009

The Global Financial Crisis is having a worrying impact on the lives of millions of people. But when money disappears overnight, there is a Global Evangelistic Opportunity for Christians who can point people to the security that money just can't buy. This evangelistic leaflet helps you do that.

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Down-under round-up: 27 May 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 27 May 2015

Issue of the week Neil Foster, Associate Professor of Law at Newcastle University, continues updating us on Schools, Scripture, Banning of Books and Sexual Orthodoxy, examining the merits of the objections stated to the now-marginalized Christian views on sex. He argues that “students are entitled to hear points of view at

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Don’t call God ‘Yahweh’

  • John McClean
  • 2 May 2016

John McClean explains why he no longer calls God ‘Yahweh’.

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The King, the Snake and the Promise (CD)

  • 16 October 2009

A kids' CD which traces the story from Creation to Jesus. God's plan throughout the bible is to rescue His people. The songs and narration clearly show how God achieves this in the sending of His own Son, Jesus.

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How to pastor irregular growth group members

  • Richard Sweatman
  • 8 June 2017

We’ve all missed growth group now and then for various reasons, but sometimes people seem to be absent as often as present. Pastoring such irregular group members is one of the most common challenges of group leading.

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