The Bible is a wilderness, not a garden: Lessons from Donald Robinson

  • Rory Shiner
  • 10 April 2019

Robinson was the consummate curious and humble 'guest' of the Bible. His powers of observation lead him to see sometimes startling and uncomfortable features in the biblical landscape.

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In defence of being busy

  • Hannah Ploegstra
  • 20 October 2015

If I hear one more person—or myself—groan “I’m soooo busy”, I think I might explode. Or wilt. That gripe is getting really boring. Worse, I fear we are groaning about something that’s good.

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If I were God, I'd make myself clearer

  • John Dickson
  • 16 October 2009

This book by John Dickson considers the vast array of spiritual claims made by different religions and individuals and asks whether any clarity can be found.

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The heart of the matter: The being of pastoral care

  • Sally Sims
  • 3 November 2016

Pastoral care flows out of God’s grace and the Christian love and integrity which should follow. Being must come before doing.

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Hope Beyond Cure (ebook: .epub or Kindle .mobi files)

  • David McDonald
  • 12 December 2013

David McDonald wrestles with a vital, and for him, a very personal question: is there hope beyond cure?

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Pure Sex

  • 16 October 2009

This perceptive book looks at how the 'sexual revolution' came about, why it failed us, and the consequences it brought to our society. The authors then propose another way to think about our sexuality.

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Eager to Serve

  • Ray Galea
  • 16 March 2023

Facing our fears, counting the cost, and stepping up in gospel ministry

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Why “speaking the truth in love” is more than simply saying true things nicely

  • Timothy Raymond
  • 19 December 2013

In the circles in which I run, the command from Ephesians 4:15, to speak the truth in love, is almost universally understood as a call to say true things nicely. If, for example, a friend asks me if his wild faux-hawk hairstyle is appropriate for a serious job interview, speaking

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A powerful expression of church

  • Chris Green
  • 20 February 2014

WAVE is extraordinary—and as far as I know, unique. At least in London. And I should underline that as the new pastor of this church I take absolutely no credit for what I’m about to tell you. WAVE stands for We’re All Valued Equally, and it’s an unusual church.

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Why evangelistic courses are like a good joke

  • Stephen Liggins
  • 19 February 2016

I have a theory—admittedly it’s a little controversial, but I still think it holds good. It concerns jokes. In my opinion, jokes have a life-cycle of three stages. Stage 1 covers the first few times you tell it; it’s extremely funny, and you’re the life of the party. Stage 2 covers those situations where you continue to tell that same joke, and it all starts to get a bit boring.

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