A powerful expression of church

  • Chris Green
  • 20 February 2014

WAVE is extraordinary—and as far as I know, unique. At least in London. And I should underline that as the new pastor of this church I take absolutely no credit for what I’m about to tell you. WAVE stands for We’re All Valued Equally, and it’s an unusual church.

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Is there such a thing as a nominal Catholic?

  • Mark Gilbert
  • 13 June 2018

People from a Catholic or Orthodox background do not think about people being nominal; it is a very Protestant way of thinking.

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When a team grows too big to be everyone’s friend

  • Mikey Lynch
  • 21 May 2018

There is less affection and trust. It’s harder for us to be persuasive to each other and easier for us to misunderstand, annoy or hurt each other. It’s a little easier for them to not want to submit to my instructions, and a little easier for me to be suspicious of a more distant team member.

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Making Disciples

  • Colin Marshall
  • 5 April 2018

8 Bible studies unpacking Jesus' great commission for our lives and churches.

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Pastor's Book Bundle #1

  • 19 November 2012

A bundle of 9 resources for those special responsibilities that tend to go with being a full-time pastor. These books are offered as a bundle at 33% off the normal price. See our introductory page for Pastors for more information.

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The Road Once Travelled: Fresh thoughts on Catholicism

  • Mark Gilbert
  • 10 November 2010

The Road Once Travelled is a beautifully presented, full-colour evangelistic booklet for giving to Roman Catholic friends, colleagues and family.

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Thank God that we stand perfectly obedient before him!

  • Mike Leite
  • 10 October 2016

Now the first reaction to the title of this piece might be “What! How can anyone say they stand perfectly obedient before God?” On one level, this is the right reaction. How can anyone claim such a thing, knowing the place of sin in the human heart?

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The ninjas

  • Tony Payne
  • 10 October 2013

Let me tell you about the Ninjas. It started at a Trellis and Vine Workshop Marty Sweeney and I were running in an old weather-board Baptist church in Atlanta, Georgia. We’d been invited there by a young black pastor (whose presence in Atlanta was a remarkable story in itself),

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Am I serving others with how I post photos?

  • Pip Taylor
  • 26 August 2019

If as Christians all we have to share online is how great or memorable parenthood or our children are, it’s not helpful for us or others.

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Proactive and Reactive Prayer

  • Matthias Media
  • 21 October 2014

In a recent post, having noted that the Bible’s prayers are often focused on calling on God to fulfil his promises, I asked the question: Does your small group spend time praying for God to be active and fulfilling his promises to establish the New Jerusalem?

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