Latest Ideas

How ‘the DNA of ministry’ drives my meetings

  • Matthias Media
  • 17 December 2014

Titus 2 is one of my touchstones for women’s ministry. Most women live quite different lives now than they would have in Titus’ time, but we still need to be self-controlled, pure, kind and submissive, adorning the word of God in our daily lives. The women on a

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End the year well

  • Tara Sing
  • 16 December 2014

The tree is up, the shopping has begun and the stockings are hung by the chimney with care. For many of our Australian readers, the start of Christmas is the signal that the year is wrapping up. With Christmas and New Years just around the corner, it is time

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Offering people a 'second date' after Christmas

  • Ian Carmichael
  • 27 November 2014

Are you gearing up for Christmas at your church? Of course, you know you’re going to get lots of visitors—people who don’t normally come to church at all. Whether they come to a carol service or Christmas Day services, or some other Christmas outreach event, you expect to see

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Here are three reasons to read 'Raised Forever'

  • Matthias Media
  • 18 November 2014

In Changi Airport, on his way to speak at a conference in Thailand, Rory Shiner had time to briefly tell us why he'd love us to read his book "Raised Forever". .buy-now { position: relative; } .buy-now a {

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Raised Forever: Introduction

  • Matthias Media
  • 4 November 2014

Raised Forever: Jesus' resurrection and ours by Rory Shiner There are lots of books about Jesus’ resurrection—and most of them answer the ‘did it really happen?’ question. Although that’s a critical question that this book deals with, Rory Shiner goes further. 'Raised Forever' is a book about what happened to

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The outsider as insider

  • Matthias Media
  • 29 October 2014

Every Sunday, Christian churches engage in a whole range of unusual activities. To the 'insider' these activities are well-known, even well-loved. He is so familiar with these weekly rituals that he does them automatically, with the minimum fuss (and thought). The insider knows what to call these

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Small talk is important and missing from our churches

  • Tara Sing
  • 23 October 2014

Good spiritual discussions excite us. It is understandable that we are eager to get to them with others at church. With the best intentions we want to encourage each other, spur one another on and remind others of biblical truths. But in trying to achieve this important task,

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Proactive and Reactive Prayer

  • Matthias Media
  • 21 October 2014

In a recent post, having noted that the Bible’s prayers are often focused on calling on God to fulfil his promises, I asked the question: Does your small group spend time praying for God to be active and fulfilling his promises to establish the New Jerusalem?

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The Martyrs of the English Reformation

  • Matthias Media
  • 16 October 2014

In the Anglican Church, October 16 is set down as the day for the remembrance of the Reformers and Martyrs of the English Reformation. It is a commemoration of the three hundred or so men, women and children of the Church of England who were burned at the stake

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Teaching Children To Live As Men And Women

  • Carmelina Read
  • 7 October 2014

“Do you know what you’re having?” It’s got to be the most popular question asked of a pregnant woman!   Why? Well it’s obvious isn’t it? There’s a difference! Even at this early stage, gender matters. By the time I had my third son, I was sick of baby

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