Latest Ideas

The freedom to be slaves

  • Phil Colgan
  • 29 November 2013

While I was reading 1 Corinthians earlier this year, and in particular the section on Christian freedom in chapters 8-10, I was struck by how these seemingly irrelevant chapters on food sacrificed to idols and Paul’s rights as an Apostle are actually vital for understanding Christian maturity. I noticed that,

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A quick thought on leadership

  • Chris Braga
  • 29 November 2013

We often think of leadership in terms of the giftedness of a person, how competent and skilled they are in the things they do. It might be organizational management, preaching, vision setting or other skills. However, as much as leadership involves the competencies of a person, without people following it’s

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Adding GTK to the toolbox

  • Gary Koo
  • 25 November 2013

GTK has become an essential tool in my pastoral toolbox. What is it? At first my congregation thought it stood for ‘Gary the Koo’, but GTK actually stands for ‘Get to Know’, and what GTK is designed to do is welcome newcomers into your church. I’ve run

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Prayer meetings... sort of

  • Chris Drombetta
  • 22 November 2013

One of the first things I do on Monday mornings (or most mornings for that matter) is check my iPhone calendar. A few weeks ago, the glowing brick told me that I had more than twenty meetings on the schedule for the week in question. I suppose that number could

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Go therefore… but who to?

  • Ben Pfahlert
  • 21 November 2013

I spend a lot of time travelling the country and encouraging people to be great commissionaries. That is, I urge people to obey Jesus and to prayerfully go and make disciples of all nations. One of the most frequent questions I get asked in these interactive workshops is, “Who

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The Climactic Commission

  • Colin Marshall
  • 19 November 2013

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching themto observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Matt 28:19-20) Are we in danger of trying to squeeze too much

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Admonition or Affirmation? Do I have to choose?

  • Adrian Russell
  • 15 November 2013

These days the word love has kind of by default come to mean something like ‘affirmation’. To love someone or something necessarily means to approve every bit of them. To disagree with some aspect of their life or character means you must hate them, or be afraid of them. (Although,

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Evangelism is like Scuba diving

  • Craig Schafer
  • 14 November 2013

My wife and I are novice divers and novice evangelists. We’ve been doing both of them for a while now, but always feel that there is a lot more to learn in both areas. And, as it turns out, I’ve noticed some similarities between diving and evangelism. For a

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Challenges to anticipate in one-to-one Bible reading

  • Timothy Raymond
  • 11 November 2013

While apparently my Aussie brethren have been proficient in one-to-one Bible reading (121BR) for decades, many of us Yankees are still discovering it. Though I grew up in a conservative, Bible-believing church and even attended Bible College, I had never seen or experienced or even heard of 121BR until after

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Disciple-making through singing

  • Chris Drombetta
  • 6 November 2013

Sunday is coming. Again. This is the joyful and often stressful reality for the music minister. When is the band rehearsing this week? Did I remember to send out those schedules and pieces of music? Who is doing the special music? Are there enough creative elements to support the sermon?

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