Latest Ideas

Too different or not enough?

  • Adrian Russell
  • 4 November 2013

It’s pretty clear that Christianity (in the West in particular) has lost serious ground in terms of respect, numbers and influence in our society and culture. Things have changed a lot in the last handful of decades. Where I live (in Sydney), it’s really difficult to talk to people about

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Just do what I told you

  • Stephen Leston
  • 29 October 2013

When I was a boy, I had a weekly summer chore of mowing the lawn. My dad liked it done every Thursday. You would think that it would not be too difficult for me to get that task done—after all, I knew exactly what I needed to do and when

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Start with the heart

  • Tim Zulker
  • 24 October 2013

When it comes to evangelism, pay attention to the heart first. That’s where the real barriers lie. “For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness”, has shone in our

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Email can be encouraging

  • Paul Sheely
  • 23 October 2013

As a pastor, I’m always looking for ways to shape and grow the culture of my church family around the gospel. A small but important part of what I’m doing at the moment is sending out email encouragements to everyone. It's proving to be a very effective tool. Generally

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The ninjas

  • Tony Payne
  • 10 October 2013

Let me tell you about the Ninjas. It started at a Trellis and Vine Workshop Marty Sweeney and I were running in an old weather-board Baptist church in Atlanta, Georgia. We’d been invited there by a young black pastor (whose presence in Atlanta was a remarkable story in itself),

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Welcome to the Ideas feed

  • Tony Payne
  • 8 October 2013

In this area of you'll find a regular (and free) feed of articles, blog posts, interviews, stories, links, podcasts, clips, reviews, classics from the archives, and pretty much whatever we can lay our hands on that will stimulate, encourage, teach and equip God's people to make disciples. (To

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A Ministry Manifesto

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 October 2013

When the idea of launching this platform first began to germinate, it was in response to two important needs. The first was to find a new, simple, efficient way to distribute high quality ministry resources to churches and small groups all over the world. That’s what the ‘Resources’ area

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Disciple-making teams

  • 12 September 2013

In this Trellis & Vine Talk episode: The swinging 60s, the failure of small groups, what growth looks like in a group, operating as a team, and what they can do together (MP3). [Originally published at The Briefing.]

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So I've read Trellis and Vine. What now?

  • Marty Sweeney
  • 11 September 2013

In this 11 minute video, Tony Payne (Publishing Director) and Marty Sweeney (North American Ministry Director) talk about the practicalities of growing a culture of disciple-making in your church. In other words, answering the question: "I've read 'The Trellis and the Vine'. What do I do now?" [youtube=]

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Cold Turkish evangelism

  • Ben Pfahlert
  • 1 September 2013

What do you think of when you hear the words ‘walk-up evangelism’ (WUE)? The high-pitched whine of a dentist’s drill? Let me tell you what I think of: I think of a 16-stone Turkish body builder outside King George V Hospital in December 2000. My first daughter Isabella had

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