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Women, Sermons and the Bible (ebook: .epub or Kindle .mobi files)

  • 29 April 2014

Essays interacting with John Dickson's "Hearing Her Voice". Ebook file download. Release date: 5 May 2014.

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Simply Christianity: a modern guide to the ancient faith

  • John Dickson
  • 16 October 2009

This excellent evangelistic book takes the reader through the Gospel of Luke (contained in the book) highlighting key themes and implications. It is an ideal way to introduce someone to the person and work of Jesus.

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The Model Church (1–2 Thessalonians)

  • Geoff Robson

Through prayer and eyes fixed on Jesus and his promises, we can stand firm and flourish in our faith (9 studies).

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Living with the Underworld

  • Peter Bolt
  • 16 October 2009

Evil spirits. Demons. Ghosts. Magic. Satan. Do these words speak of a frightening spiritual reality? Or are they the silly remnants of a more superstitious age? (160 pages)

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Just for Starters

  • 12 September 2013

Seven simple and short Bible studies on the basics of the Christian life, designed to establish a new Christian in the faith.

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The Road Once Travelled: Fresh thoughts on Catholicism (ebook: .epub or Kindle .mobi files)

  • Mark Gilbert
  • 24 May 2011

The Road Once Travelled is a beautifully presented, full-colour evangelistic booklet for giving to Roman Catholic friends, colleagues and family.

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Christmas Card V (pack of 10)

  • 29 October 2009

Front: (No text); Inside: RH panel: "celebrating the joy of a down-to-earth Christmas" LH panel: "Jesus said: "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever." The Gospel of John, chapter 6, verse 51" Pack of 10 cards with envelopes.

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When money disappears overnight (leaflet)

  • Gordon Cheng
  • 16 October 2009

The Global Financial Crisis is having a worrying impact on the lives of millions of people. But when money disappears overnight, there is a Global Evangelistic Opportunity for Christians who can point people to the security that money just can't buy. This evangelistic leaflet helps you do that.

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Vine Journal: Issue 4

  • 1 August 2016

Contents of Issue 4 of Vine Journal.

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Jesus on Trial

  • Kel Richards
  • 16 October 2009

Taking the analogy of a court case, Jesus on Trial demonstrates that the evidence for the resurrection satisfies our most stringent requirements of truth. The reader is in the position of juror, and is challenged to make a decision on the evidence as it is presented clearly and plainly by Kel.

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