The God Who Saves

  • Mark Gilbert
  • 27 March 2014

Can we be sure that we will be saved? Is there anything special we need to do to be saved? Is going to church or being religious enough to get us over the line

The God Who Saves takes a look at what the Bible tells us about salvation. Learn about how God saves us, why God saves us and what we are saved from.

A set of five life-changing studies that will open your eyes to the salvation of God.

The leader's notes are available free to download.


The Bible is a book full of great stories about God and what he has done throughout the history of the world. It teaches us about God and about ourselves. But it is more than just a book of stories; the people writing these stories claimed they were writing down what God wants to say to us. God said through the apostle Peter:

Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation, for prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. (2 Peter 1:20-21) (If you’re unfamiliar with how Bible verses are normally cited, ‘2 Peter 1:20-21’ means ‘the book of 2 Peter, chapter 1, verses 20-21’.)

Even though some of the stories in the Bible are thousands of years old they are still relevant today because God doesn’t change, and people are basically the same today as they were thousands of years ago.

Because the Bible is a part of many people’s religious traditions, it is treated as being very special—and rightly so! It is read out aloud daily at some churches. Unfortunately far fewer people actually read the Bible for themselves or in groups to learn from it. I hope that these studies will help you, particularly if you are new to studying the Bible, to start studying it for yourself. They are written to be studied by groups of friends, but can also be studied privately. Studying the Bible with other people is an exciting and stimulating way to find out about God and what he has done for us.

— Mark Gilbert, May 2006.