Naked God: the truth about God exposed (ebook: .epub or Kindle .mobi files)

  • Martin Ayers
  • 24 May 2011
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John Chapman, author and evangelist, describes Naked God:

I have just finished reading Martin Ayers' book. It is a great evangelistic 'give-away'.

It is divided into three parts. In the first part, Martin shows the implications and paucity of atheism and relativism. He interacts with Dawkins and others in a helpful way.

In the second half, he asks us to consider Christ. There are excellent apologetics for the historicity of the New Testament documents and miracles in this section. Martin asks us to consider Christ's teaching, death and resurrection.

The final section is about responding to Jesus. Repentance and faith are clearly and helpfully spelt out.

When I was being urged to write A Fresh Start, I said to my friends, "There are plenty of evangelistic books available", to which they replied, "I have given those to my friends—I need a new one". This book offers us yet another chance to help our friends understand Jesus. Get a copy and see if this is what your friends need. I think it's a winner.