Akos Balogh is an Australian Christian thinker whose blog I have recently come across and have found stimulating at times. Here he shares some helpful current reflections in ‘9 things you should know about religious freedom in Australia’.
Aussie sports journalists are quick to knock Aussie sport stars who want to give glory to Jesus in their performances. Keep religion out of sport! It made Youthworks College Principal Bill Salier reflect briefly and helpfully on why God is not a narcissist in ‘Why does God want our praise and worship?’.
Those interested in an important theological debate of recent years should catch Moore College lecturer Pete Orr’s ‘Perspective on the New Perspective’. He indicates (again) that justification and righteousness language in the Bible centre on moral standard, and not on covenant membership.
Rick Phillips reminds us over at Reformation 21 that James is, you know, in the Bible!
It’s not quite netiquette to pump your own platform. But alongside the inaugural printed Vine Journal I recently received in the mail, I reckon GoThereFor published some diverse ministry articles in the last week well worth a look:
With all the talk of water on Mars, this image from Desiring God with its quote from Piper really grabbed my attention…