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List of devices that can use epub format files.The Everlasting God is one of those mind-shifting, life-changing books that has become a classic that rightly belongs in the personal library of every Christian. As Phillip Jensen says:
"Few minds have explored the depths of God's revelation with such humble and innovative perception."
Dr Knox's very helpful explanation of predestination and 'free will' is worth the price of the book alone, but he also encourages and challenges us from the Scriptures by showing that God...
» is living and true
» is infinite in power, wisdom and goodness
» is three-in-one
» reveals himself to us in the Lord Jesus Christ, and
» is rich in mercy and grace.
We are delighted to announce the arrival of this new edition of a marvellous book for a whole new generation of believers.
Dr Knox was the Principal of Moore Theological College in Sydney from 1959 to 1985.