Latest Ideas

Why the Reformation is definitely not over

  • Mark Gilbert
  • 3 August 2016

It seems that the Pope is soon likely to declare the Reformation, which started with Martin Luther, is over. But Mark Gilbert explains why the Reformation can never truly be over.

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Book Review: Little Black Books: The Bible

  • Rebecca Lin
  • 1 August 2016

Rebecca Lin introduces a book that proved to be pivotal in her discussions with classmates during Christian Studies.

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The word of God and the academy

  • Tim Grant
  • 29 July 2016

Does the Bible belong in the hands of the professors and theologians only? Or is it for the uneducated parishioner and the local church? Tim Grant examines the role of the academy in relation to the church and God’s word.

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Please stop attacking extremists

  • Phillip Jensen
  • 27 July 2016

Phillip Jensen explains why we need more extremists, not less.

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Classics from the archives: God's plan for work

  • The Briefing
  • 25 July 2016

In this 'Briefing' classic from the archives, Paul Grimmond changes the way we think about work.

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Seven things to do before my kids leave home

  • Hannah Ploegstra
  • 22 July 2016

Before they fly the nest, what are you hoping to teach your kids? How to cook? How to clean? How to be good with money? Hannah Ploegstra shares her own list, but the things on it aren’t what you’d expect.

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On ageing, dying and death

  • Timothy Raymond
  • 18 July 2016

Ageing, dying and death aren’t the happiest of subjects, but as Timothy Raymond explains, this is one book that brings joy, refreshment and encouragement to these dark topics.

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Headship language

  • David Gilmour
  • 15 July 2016

David Gilmour takes a careful look at the language of headship used in the Bible.

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The uncomfortable exercise of Bible reading

  • Tim Grant
  • 13 July 2016

When it comes to reading the Bible, we have a big problem. That’s why, as Tim Grant explains, we should expect God’s word to chafe.

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Make pastors run the Sunday services

  • Rory Shiner
  • 11 July 2016

These days, most church services are run with the concept of Every Member Ministry in mind. But, as Rory Shiner argues, perhaps we should return to the days of old where the pastor did it all.

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