Latest Ideas

Meeting with Tadashi

  • Sam McGeown
  • 8 July 2016

For a year, Sam McGeown met with a young Japanese man named Tadashi and tried to introduce him to Jesus. This is what happened as a result.

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An unsung evangelistic hero

  • Stephen Liggins
  • 4 July 2016

Stephen Liggins introduces us to an overlooked ‘hero’ of evangelism, but it isn’t who you’d expect.

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The lordship of Christ in the political arena

  • Peter Baker
  • 30 June 2016

In preparation for the coming Australian federal election, Peter Baker offers ten theological principles to guide us as we take to the polls.

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Defending classic marriage

  • Sandy Grant
  • 29 June 2016

With the 2016 Australian federal election just around the corner and same-sex marriage being such a hot button issue, Sandy Grant explains why the classic view of marriage is worth defending.

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Death is what the gospel is for

  • Hannah Ploegstra
  • 27 June 2016

Hannah Ploegstra always thought she knew what the gospel was about. But it wasn’t until she was sitting in a doctor’s office, facing bad news, that she realized what the gospel is truly for.

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Generating growth in state schools ministry

  • Tony Payne
  • 24 June 2016

An invitation to an informative breakfast about ministry in New South Wales state schools.

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Spiritual conflict

  • Chris Drombetta
  • 22 June 2016

Throughout Jesus’ ministry, he faced much spiritual conflict—not just from demons and unclean spirits, but also in the hearts of his listeners. But how does any of it apply to us? Chris Drombetta investigates.

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  • Peter Sholl
  • 20 June 2016

In a busy and time-poor world, it’s tempting to make use of shortcuts where we can. But when it comes to ministry, Peter Sholl hears a different word in Paul’s letters to Timothy.

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Daddy issues

  • Jean Williams
  • 17 June 2016

Struggling with her daddy issues one morning, Jean Williams took a walk and prayed. Here’s what the Spirit said to her heart.

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Classics from the archives: Life from the other side: How the resurrection changed the world

  • The Briefing
  • 15 June 2016

In this 'Briefing' classic from the archives, Peter Bolt looks at the impact of the resurrection on the world.

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