Latest Ideas

Tips for being a false teacher

  • Tim Grant
  • 26 October 2015

So you’ve decided to forgo the straight and narrow and teach things that are… well… not strictly speaking true. It makes sense; after all, surely we’re all a little bored by the same Christian message year after year, millennia after millennia.

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The art of biblical interpretation: A book written for us

  • John McClean
  • 23 October 2015

In the last post I argued that the best overall description of the Bible is the covenant book. The primary emphasis of the image is that the Bible is God’s word for us, his people. When we read it we are not eavesdropping on a message meant for someone else. We aren’t overreaching ourselves to know a God who is beyond us. It is meant for us, to sustain our relationship with God.

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An enthusiastic, in-tune, bad singer

  • Ian Carmichael
  • 22 October 2015

Confession time. When it comes to church, I’m a poor singer. I don’t mean that I am unenthusiastic. No, I enjoy singing a lot, and (although I haven’t asked around) I suspect my brothers and sisters at Castle Cove Anglican Church would say that my volume is, if nothing else, suggestive of enthusiasm.

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Down-under round-up: 21 October 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 21 October 2015

Problem gambling, signs your pastor is losing their leadership edge, improving your disciple-making team, the characteristics of radicalized Christians, and refuting false theories about Jesus.

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In defence of being busy

  • Hannah Ploegstra
  • 20 October 2015

If I hear one more person—or myself—groan “I’m soooo busy”, I think I might explode. Or wilt. That gripe is getting really boring. Worse, I fear we are groaning about something that’s good.

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Putting the mini in ministry

  • Laura Blyth
  • 19 October 2015

What are the small things we can all do that make a big difference in our churches?

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Cornelius: A great guy, but…

  • Peter Sholl
  • 16 October 2015

I’ve always loved Acts 10, the story of the divinely ordained meeting between Peter and Cornelius that unlocks the door for the gospel to go to the Gentiles. For a few years it has been one of my ‘go to’ passages when I am asked to speak on the topic of mission.

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The main thing is that God will have his king

  • Ian Carmichael
  • 15 October 2015

You’ve probably heard the old saying “the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing”. When it comes to ministry, it’s a useful adage that helps us review and stay on track with what we are doing.

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The challenges ahead

  • Sandy Grant
  • 14 October 2015

The Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, on Christian mission, persecution and perseverance.

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Taking the gospel to all nations in 2050

  • Russell Smidt
  • 13 October 2015

The immediate implication of Jesus’ commission in Matthew 28:16-20 is unavoidable and timeless for his disciples. Until Jesus returns, we are all on mission all the time. We are committed to lifelong disciple-making of people from all nations.

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