Latest Ideas

Life in God’s waiting room

  • Jean Williams
  • 12 October 2015

I've been thinking about waiting. The waiting you do when your hopes and dreams have been deferred—again. The waiting you do when you're offered the opportunity you longed for but have to turn it down—again. The waiting you do when the future is uncertain and your plans can only be tentative and provisional—again.

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Assessing maturity

  • Colin Marshall
  • 9 October 2015

How would you assess the maturity of your church? If you were designing a maturity survey for your members, what questions would you ask?

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Is it time to leave your church?

  • Ian Carmichael
  • 8 October 2015

It’s a word that drives just about any pastor to despair (although not necessarily because he sees it in his own heart and life). The word? Consumerism.

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Down-under round-up: 7 October 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 7 October 2015

Sandy Grant's links on mental health, sacrifice, comfort/suffering, Proverbs 22:6, and religious radicalisation.

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In light of the Son

  • Ian Carmichael
  • 6 October 2015

When a single idea has dominated a person’s life for nearly thirty years, it doesn’t mean it is necessarily a good or worthy idea. But it probably does mean the person can show you things about that idea that have never even occurred to you.

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Whose salt and light does the world really need?

  • Hannah Ploegstra
  • 6 October 2015

I’m sure you’ve been told before that, as a Christian, you are to ‘be salt and light’ to the world. Because you’re aware of Jesus’ sermon given on the mount, you understand that this means to love your neighbour, forgive your brother from your heart, avoid sin, and love God.

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Welcome to Vine Journal

  • Tony Payne
  • 5 October 2015

Tony Payne's introduction to what the Vine Journal is all about.

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Superficiality can’t be solved glibly or easily

  • David Phillips
  • 2 October 2015

You’ve reached the end of a fantastic study. The group has been engaged, asking good questions; you feel like you’re seeing a group of people keen to apply the word of God to their lives. You reach the application questions. And nothing. No one comes up with anything.

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How to get your group to prepare for Bible study

  • David Evans
  • 1 October 2015

“So... how did you find the passage? Any initial thoughts?” An eerie silence follows, accompanied by the awkward shifting of people in their chairs, as it becomes apparent that no-one has prepared. It will be a dry old night of trying to wring out some answers from people whose sudden pangs of guilt have distracted them from the possibility of thinking up a response by reading the passage right now.

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Down-under round-up: 30 September 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 30 September 2015

This week Sandy Grant shares good reads on religious freedom in Australia, why God is not a narcissist, the New Perspective, James, and his favourite recent GoThereFor articles.

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