Crucifying the Beauty Myth

  • 5 August 1993

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Interview: Making sense of evangelism

  • Greg Clarke
  • 5 August 1993

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Skeletons in the family tree

  • Rick Lewers
  • 5 August 1993

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Two masters, one mistress?

  • Peter Bolt
  • 5 August 1993

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Please Send Money (P.S. I love you)

  • John McClean
  • 19 August 1993

A poverty-stricken student reaches the end of her financial resources and writes home, appealing for money. If we were so rude as to open her letter (or if we were to receive it!), what would we find? What sort of letter would it be? How would she persuade her parents

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Lines from the lollyshop

  • Tony Payne
  • 19 August 1993

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Power on

  • 2 September 1993

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Interview: Mission Possible: preaching that communicates

  • Greg Clarke
  • 2 September 1993

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Ringing with confidence

  • Mark Thompson
  • 2 September 1993

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The church of the Holy Trinity

  • Robert Doyle
  • 16 September 1993

Sometimes we can live so close to a doctrine that we overlook the immense power of its truth. The cross can become an empty slogan; the resurrection a mere proof-text for Jesus' divinity; the incarnation something we only think about at Christmas. In this light, an increasing number of theologians

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