John Chapman is the master of keeping things simple. In this book, he tackles the important topic of the Bible. Ideal for both Christian and non-Christian readers. (ebook)
Now available as an electronic book for iPad, Kindle and other ebook devices. John Chapman answers common questions about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. An ideal book for non-Christians, and very useful for Christians.
Is there a God? And perhaps more to the point, if there is a God, what real difference will it make to my life? These are the most basic and universal of questions, and yet we don't usually take much time to think about them. In Naked God, former lawyer Martin Ayers provides an opportunity for the reader to do just that: to ask the awkward questions, to sift through the evidence, and to get to the truth about God. Naked God is an ideal book to persuade a non-Christian of their need to become a Christian, and will strengthen the faith of those who are already believers.
How do you have a happy honeymoon? How do you have a holy love life? How do you have the kind of sexual relationship that God intended for your marriage? [ebook format]
Simply Christianity is a simple, jargon-free way of sharing the gospel in a friendly, small group environment. It is a five-week evangelistic course for enquirers—in the mould of Christianity Explored and The Alpha Course—which takes participants through the Gospel of Luke and presents them with the challenging teaching, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. (Leader's Manual)
In this introductory book, Kirsten Birkett brings us the essence of the Reformation—the social and religious soil in which it grew, the events and people that shaped it, and the ideas and doctrines for which many of them died.
What is love? The Bible has much to say in answer to this deceptively tricky question, but perhaps few biblical perspectives on love are more startling or more confronting than the picture offered by the prophet Hosea. It’s here that the God of the universe is depicted as a scorned, betrayed husband—one whose selfless love has been thrown aside by a spiritually adulterous people.