It’s the journey, not just the destination: Tips on how to travel

  • Stephen Liggins
  • 15 April 2019

Living in the light of the Scriptures always yields great benefits, and given the absolute relevance of God to everything, his revealed priorities are crucial to all travel considerations.

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Six myths of discipleship

  • Colin Marshall
  • 13 April 2015

Myth 1: Discipleship is a second stage of Christian experience, after conversion. You can be a Christian but not a disciple. Many people think of discipleship as what happens after conversion. They think that it’s only after someone becomes a Christian that they ‘disciple’ them, by training them in the

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Surmonter le péché

  • Gordon Cheng
  • 6 November 2018

Après avoir confessé notre péché et demandé le pardon de Dieu, l’étape suivante est généralement de changer ses habitudes.

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How to get your group to prepare for Bible study

  • David Evans
  • 1 October 2015

“So... how did you find the passage? Any initial thoughts?” An eerie silence follows, accompanied by the awkward shifting of people in their chairs, as it becomes apparent that no-one has prepared. It will be a dry old night of trying to wring out some answers from people whose sudden pangs of guilt have distracted them from the possibility of thinking up a response by reading the passage right now.

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The Christian passport

  • Phillip Jensen
  • 14 July 2015

Passports are really important. You can’t enter the kingdom of heaven with the wrong one. You can’t use anybody else’s passport. You have to have your own. It must be current. It must not be a fake or forgery. It must be recognised by the government. Without the right passport there is no entry into God’s kingdom.

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Making burdens light without making light of burdens

  • Ruth Baker
  • 4 September 2017

“A problem shared is a problem halved”—but sometimes a problem shared is a problem now two people have.

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Atheism is definitely wrong (leaflet)

  • Paul Grimmond
  • 16 October 2009

In this lealet, Paul Grimmond makes three telling points in response to an aggressive 'New Atheism' that is sweeping the Western world.

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Disciple-making teams

  • 12 September 2013

In this Trellis & Vine Talk episode: The swinging 60s, the failure of small groups, what growth looks like in a group, operating as a team, and what they can do together (MP3). [Originally published at The Briefing.]

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Recovering the heart of church planting

  • Stephen Leston
  • 8 December 2016

Church planting isn't just for the young—it's the natural result of discipleship.

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Broken bad

  • Claire Smith
  • 13 May 2016

Often when we share the gospel, we speak as though we are 'broken' people, whom Christ has rescued from our 'brokenness'. Claire Smith discusses why such terminology may not be that helpful.

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