Storming the City (Nahum)

  • Ian Carmichael

4 interactive Bible studies for small groups and individuals

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Broaden your evangelism repertoire

  • Stephen Liggins
  • 29 May 2017

Scripture indicates that the apostle was flexible in his approach to sharing the gospel. Different contexts, it seemed, encouraged him to broaden his repertoire.

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Short Steps for Long Gains

  • Simon Manchester
  • 12 September 2013

This ingenious and helpful little booklet by Simon Manchester is a tool to help Christians get together in pairs to look at the Bible, pray and share their lives.

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How to preach through mental fog

  • Timothy Raymond
  • 20 April 2017

If you’ve preached more than, say, a dozen sermons you’ve certainly experienced mental fog. This phenomenon can cause you to panic in the pulpit, and in your panic you can make your sermon much worse.

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Good theology that makes you glad in suffering

  • Hannah Ploegstra
  • 25 September 2017

The New Testament calls believers to counter-intuitive and unnatural activities. Perhaps one of the hardest is this: rejoice in suffering (Rom 5:3).

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What’s Tony Payne up to?

  • Tony Payne
  • 23 October 2017

There are three questions I’ve been asked repeatedly over the past seven months of study here at Moore College.

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What some of you were: stories about Christians and homosexuality

  • Chris Keane
  • 16 October 2009

A book offering stories of hope for those who struggle with same-sex attraction.

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Know and Tell the Gospel (Revised)

  • John Chapman
  • 16 October 2009

John Chapman's classic guide to the how and why of sharing your faith. (236 pages)

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How to get ahead on Greek before theological college

  • Seumas Macdonald
  • 8 January 2016

So, you’re going to theological college and you want to get started on Greek. You’ve heard it’s a bit hard, but you’ve got a few weeks or months to go, you’re keen to finally tackle God’s word in one of its original languages, and anything you can do to get ahead of the game will help.

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Introducing God

  • Tony Payne
  • 10 October 2013

The brand new edition of this Aussie-developed evangelistic course makes it an even more effective way of 'introducing' unchurched people to God.

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