Censorship, art and pornography

  • Phillip Jensen
  • 1 March 2009

Content unavailable online.

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Review: "Evangelical Feminism: A new path to Liberalism?"

  • 1 April 2009

Evangelical Feminism: A new path to Liberalism? Wayne Grudem Crossway, Wheaton, 2006, 272pp. Writing or even reviewing a book about the Bible’s teaching on male and female responsibilities within marriage or the church is a task fraught with difficulty. The issue is more emotionally charged than most doctrinal or

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Review: "Living the Cross Centered Life"

  • 1 April 2009

Living the Cross Centered Life: Keeping the gospel the main thing CJ Mahaney Multnomah, Sisters, 2006. 176pp. Is there anything more important than the cross of Christ? Each of the Gospels centres on Jesus’ journey to the cross. Jesus’ wonderful mission statement in Mark 10:45 describes the goal

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Where to from here?

  • Paul Grimmond
  • 1 April 2009

As part of the 21st anniversary issue, Paul Grimmond shares his vision for the future of The Briefing, and tells us how we can be a part of it. I have a dream. In my dream, I am sitting beside Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear in an Aston Martin DB9

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“What do you say when...?” Bus stop graffiti

  • John Chapman
  • 1 April 2009

As promised in Paul Grimmond's article ‘Where to from here?’ (also in issue #367), we've got one more new feature to unveil. As we've talked about speaking God's life-changing word in any and every situation, we've realized that there are lots of opportunities to speak God's truth in everyday conversation—like

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Looking back, looking forward

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 April 2009

Tony Payne ponders 21 years of The Briefing, and the next 21. Whenever I look back over the history of The Briefing—all 366 issues, all 21 years—I find it almost impossible to resist thinking about my eldest daughter, who (like The Briefing) was born in April 1988. In fact, I've

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The clarion call of the gospel: An interview with Phillip Jensen

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 April 2009

Tony Payne: This April marks the 21st birthday of The Briefing. You were instrumental in launching The Briefing back in 1988. Why did you do it? Phillip Jensen: As best as I can remember (and history from an unreliable memory is the best way to do it!), at that

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Grace abounding to the chief of cynics

  • 1 April 2009

As I enter middle age, I confront one of the dangers of becoming ‘more experienced’: bitterness. I am not an old man, but I have never really been young at heart. This means that I have always had a cynical streak. Now I find that I can be awfully cynical—particularly

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Actually do it

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 April 2009

I was tempted to call this post ‘J*st do it’, but I’m told that those three words are owned by Nike Corporation, and I am worried that their use one after the other (beginning with ‘just’ and followed immediately by ‘do’ and ‘it’) in any context whatsoever and for any

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