Introducing God to my friends

  • 1 June 2009

I’ve known these girls for over half my life. Our friendship has persisted beyond high school, through tertiary education and into the workforce. We’ve gone on holidays together, we’ve gathered for movies and dinners (and deconstructed those movies over dinner), and the sum total of our paper and electronic correspondence

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Name 'em and shame 'em?

  • Paul Grimmond
  • 1 June 2009

It was one of those moments that scratches itself into your mental furniture as if a bored adolescent with a sharp instrument had been let loose in your brain. I was sitting in a first-year church history lecture, and the lecturer asked us to “Put down your pens, turn to

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In defence of doctrine

  • Michael Jensen
  • 1 June 2009

It would not be too far-fetched to claim that the idea of Christianity as a doctrinal faith has become deeply unfashionable. It is not so much that individual doctrines are under attack (though they are), but rather that the idea of Christian doctrine as a set of truths is under

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The unease of the next generation

  • 1 June 2009

There seems to be a restlessness—an unease—among younger evangelicals. Something is wrong with the way we do church. How can we fix it? Can I say very clearly how wonderful I think this is? We should always be self-reflective—self-evaluating—measuring our ministries against God’s word and making changes to reach people.

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An abominable word

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 June 2009

When I hear the word ‘abomination’, a vivid image comes to mind. Perhaps it’s from a comedy sketch on TV. I see a man dressed in old-fashioned black clothes, with a black hat and, in reference to some aspect of modern culture (perhaps homosexuality), he declares in a slow, but passionate voice, “It is

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Reading the Bible with your ears open

  • Peter Bolt
  • 1 June 2009

You read what you hear. Even with the Bible, you read what you hear. Let me explain. Study leave got me to England in 10 inches of snow. Beautiful. Because it closed the airports, it almost got me to France. How would I have explained that to the college board?

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The torn curtain

  • 1 July 2009

Joel Edwards takes another look at the Gospel account of the tearing of the temple curtain. When Jesus breathed his last and died, the curtain of the temple tore in two, thus symbolizing that the way is finally open for all believers to enter God's presence. By Christ's sacrifice, the

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Making the most of retirement

  • 1 July 2009

Terry Morgan shares his story about how he decided to put Jesus first in his thinking and decision-making post-retirement.I retired in 2001. Back then, I had to decide how I would use my time and how I would be involved in the life of my local church, St Paul's Carlingford.

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The story of the glory of God (Part 1)

  • Rob Smith
  • 1 July 2009

We may not often think about it, but the glory of God is integral to our salvation. In part 1 of a two-part series, Rob Smith takes a look at this theme and shows why it encapsulates the very heart of God's character. (Read part 2.) “What is the chief

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Sick of Bible study? Read on.

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 July 2009

Are you sick of reading the resource talk column each month? I know I'm sick of writing it. Here we are again with another 800 upbeat, encouraging words on some aspect of Christian ministry and the resources we produce to support it. It's tiresome to write and (I feel

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