Is it easy to love our neighbours?

  • 1 May 2009

We’ve been reading the Sermon on the Mount around the dinner table, and it’s made for great discussion and interesting questions. (“Dad, why would someone want my tooth?”) Recently, we were talking about the issues Jesus raises concerning loving your neighbours and praying for those who persecute you. The discussion

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A truly reformed pastor

  • Simon Flinders
  • 1 May 2009

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Review: "Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament"

  • Nigel Fortescue
  • 1 June 2009

Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament Edited by GK Beale and DA Carson Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, 2007, 1,280pp. It always bothers me when the author or editor of a book starts by telling me what their book is not. So it was with

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If Galatians was published in Christianity Today

  • 1 June 2009

Letters to the editor Dear Christianity Today, In response to Paul D Apostle’s article about the Galatian church in your January issue, I have to say how appalled I am by the unchristian tone of this hit piece. Why the negativity? Has he been to the Galatian church recently? I

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Evangellyfish by Douglas Wilson

  • Paul Grimmond
  • 1 June 2009

Evangellyfish Douglas Wilson   What do you get when you mix up a megachurch sex scandal, a Reformed pastor in a fistfight, an ambitious blonde TV reporter, a zealous but slightly misguided youth worker who likes Brandy (a girl, not a drink), an officiously small-minded middle-ranking

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Borers in the pulpit?

  • Rob Smith
  • 1 June 2009

Boring sermons are often the bane of church life. However, it need not be so. Rob Smith offers some reflections on how preachers can minister the word of God more faithfully and more effectively.There's an old joke about churches being afflicted either by borers in the pulpit or white-ants in

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The tract is back

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 June 2009

Quick quiz: of all Matthias Media's different resources—now more than 200 of them—which do you think is the all-time bestseller? Is it:John Chapman's A Fresh StartJohn Dickson's A Sneaking SuspicionRay Galea's Nothing in my hand I bringThe Just for Starters basic Bible studiesThe answer is, in fact, ‘e: None of

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What is a tree for?

  • Lionel Windsor
  • 1 June 2009

A tree is good (Gen 1:12). A tree is beautiful (Gen 2:9). A tree is for food (Gen 1:29). A tree is a blessing from God for his creation, even in those wild places where no human being has set foot (Job 40:20-22). A tree is for birds

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This is not real church

  • 1 June 2009

I suspect I might be the ‘elderly relative’ referred to in the article by Tony Payne on ‘This is not real church’. But even if I’m not, I want to comment on the change of ‘doing church’ over the years and the cut-down New Testament church of today. Tony

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To mourn or not to mourn?

  • Paul Grimmond
  • 1 June 2009

I was talking to a friend the other day who told me this story: I was in a prayer meeting this week with a lady who asked us to pray for her relationship with her parents. They were getting divorced after having been married for several decades. She doesn’t live at home anymore,

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