The inviting nature of Christianity

  • Stephen Liggins
  • 23 January 2017

You could change the world, just like Albert McMakin did when he asked a young man he knew to an evangelistic event.

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The surprising secret to church growth in the United States

  • Mark Gilbert
  • 4 May 2015

We hear a lot about church growth from Americans. From Saddleback to Willow Creek and beyond, church growth has been one of the hot topics this decade. Having returned from a visit to the Together for the Gospel conference in Louisville, Kentucky, I think I’ve worked out their secret.

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Gospel Patrons

  • John Rinehart
  • 24 February 2014

People whose generosity changed the world (Hardback, cloth bound edition)

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Simply Christianity: Leaders Manual

  • John Dickson
  • 16 October 2009

Simply Christianity is a simple, jargon-free way of sharing the gospel in a friendly, small group environment. It is a five-week evangelistic course for enquirers—in the mould of Christianity Explored and The Alpha Course—which takes participants through the Gospel of Luke and presents them with the challenging teaching, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. (Leader's Manual)

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You, Me and the Bible

  • Tony Payne
  • 28 July 2014

A reading guide to the six central ideas of the Bible.

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Truthing in love

  • Lionel Windsor
  • 24 April 2017

Have you heard the saying “speak the truth in love”? The phrase is normally used to mean something like “say true things in a charitable way”. The idea is this: sometimes you have to say hard and challenging things; when you do, make sure you’re using a gracious tone.

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One Life: what's it all about?

  • 26 June 2012

This jargon-free introduction to Christianity explores who Jesus is, why he came, and what it means to follow him.

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Teach the tension

  • Chris Drombetta
  • 1 September 2015

I don’t typically think of tension as a good thing. The stress of life, throbbing headaches, tight shoulders, difficult meetings, and arguments at home are not my favorite experiences. However, I was recently reminded again that tension is quite important as we teach our people the Bible.

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The problem with personal Bible reading

  • Kirsten McKinlay
  • 6 November 2017

In this age of authenticity, for something to have meaning, to be helpful in me realizing my humanity, it often needs to be done alone.

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The goodness of Christian hope

  • Kirsten McKinlay
  • 1 October 2018

Do your friends know the goodness of the Christian hope? Do you?

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