Good News of Great Joy (Luke 1–9)

  • Des Smith

9 interactive Bible studies for small groups and individuals on Luke 1–9.

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What does a disciple-making culture look like?

  • Colin Marshall
  • 29 April 2016

Colin Marshall discusses the why and how of growing your church.

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Teaching Children To Live As Men And Women

  • Carmelina Read
  • 7 October 2014

“Do you know what you’re having?” It’s got to be the most popular question asked of a pregnant woman!   Why? Well it’s obvious isn’t it? There’s a difference! Even at this early stage, gender matters. By the time I had my third son, I was sick of baby

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Communicating the other 90% of the gospel message

  • Nathan Dempsey
  • 18 March 2019

If we don’t convey the enthusiasm, joy and peace that we claim to have from the Spirit, people have no reason to believe us, and we become the worst kind of salespeople.

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Making your spiritual gifts count for God’s glory

  • John Le
  • 14 January 2019

When was the last time you made a resolution to serve others with the gifts God has given you?

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Welcome to the Ideas feed

  • Tony Payne
  • 8 October 2013

In this area of you'll find a regular (and free) feed of articles, blog posts, interviews, stories, links, podcasts, clips, reviews, classics from the archives, and pretty much whatever we can lay our hands on that will stimulate, encourage, teach and equip God's people to make disciples. (To

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Normal human being evangelism

  • Tim Zulker
  • 3 December 2013

So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us. (1 Thessalonians 2:8) Have you ever found yourself in the dreaded Evangelism Zone?

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It’s my son’s birthday today

  • Michael Churches
  • 12 December 2016

Joe Davidson has an unusual child with a famous birthday...

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What does God think about war? (Audio CD)

  • Phillip Jensen
  • 16 October 2009

Is there ever a time when war is right? And if so, when is that time? What is the Christian response to war? In this talk Phillip Jensen explores different attitudes to war and what the Bible has to say about war, peace and the times in which we live.

Audio format CD.

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Simply Christianity: Leaders Manual

  • John Dickson
  • 16 October 2009

Simply Christianity is a simple, jargon-free way of sharing the gospel in a friendly, small group environment. It is a five-week evangelistic course for enquirers—in the mould of Christianity Explored and The Alpha Course—which takes participants through the Gospel of Luke and presents them with the challenging teaching, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. (Leader's Manual)

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