
  • Cathy Sampson
  • 25 November 2013

10 tracks from Cathy Sampson. All money raised goes to support the kipepeo project in East Africa.

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What some of you were: stories about Christians and homosexuality

  • Chris Keane
  • 16 October 2009

A book offering stories of hope for those who struggle with same-sex attraction.

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Good to great: Speaking how you speak, not how you write

  • James Harricks
  • 24 October 2016

When you preach, does it sound like you're reading an essay? Or does your minister struggle to get his mouth around his written notes?

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Bible Study for mums with young kids

  • Karen Beilharz
  • 22 August 2016

If you’re a mum with young children, Bible study can be quite a challenge: it’s not just the getting there (let alone getting there on time); it’s also the getting through the study. But despite the challenges, as Karen Beilharz argues, going is still important.

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Down-under round-up: 19 August 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 19 August 2015

This week: public acknowledgement of media bias against those who don't want marriage redefined; what to say to your spouse when you have nothing nice to say; the advantages of consecutive expository preaching; the intolerance of tolerance.

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What does a disciple-making culture look like?

  • Colin Marshall
  • 29 April 2016

Colin Marshall discusses the why and how of growing your church.

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The Thing Is (ebook: .epub or Kindle .mobi files)

  • Tony Payne
  • 12 December 2013

From the author of The Trellis and the Vine comes an opportunity to pause and take stock of our lives, and to discover the life-changing purpose that God has for each one of us.

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Wrestling with forgiveness

  • Benjamin Swift
  • 21 October 2019

The seemingly natural responses to pain brought about by other people can be the most difficult things to wrestle with when it comes to living a Christian life.

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We need a new finance & operations manager—is it you?

  • Tony Payne
  • 16 December 2015

We’re looking for a key person to join our Sydney-based management team.

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Vine Journal: Issue 4

  • 1 August 2016

Contents of Issue 4 of Vine Journal.

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