How the doctrine of election fuelled Jesus’ work

  • Hannah Ploegstra
  • 2 November 2015

The New Testament unanimously presents the doctrine of election as a glad and glorious reality of the gospel. The staggering news that God has loved Christ’s people from before the foundation of the world, creating us for mercy, blessing and joy, offers much-needed confidence and security as we walk by faith in the weakness of the flesh.

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The leader’s joys

  • Simon Flinders
  • 30 August 2017

How likely are we to say that being a pastor means joy upon joy?

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Do You Feel Called by God? Rethinking the call to ministry

  • Michael Bennett
  • 30 January 2013

Does God 'call' people into ministry? Michael Bennett challenges some long-held views.

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MiniZine: Evangelism and Social Action (PDF Download)

  • 3 February 2011

This 'MiniZine' will help you to think through the relationship between social involvement and evangelism. (PDF Download)

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Selected works of Broughton Knox (volume 3)

  • Broughton Knox
  • 16 October 2009

The third of three volumes of collected works of Broughton Knox, who was Principal of Moore Theological College from 1959 to 1985, and profoundly influenced the Church in Sydney and beyond. This volume focuses on Dr Knox's writings on the Christian life.

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Stirrings of the Soul: Evangelicals and the New Spirituality

  • Michael Raiter
  • 16 October 2009

Michael Raiter surveys contemporary spiritualities, and addresses a range of important questions for Christians: What is true spirituality? If we were to meet a ‘truly spiritual' person, what would they look like? How do we respond biblically to our longing for spiritual intimacy?

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Truthing in love

  • Lionel Windsor
  • 24 April 2017

Have you heard the saying “speak the truth in love”? The phrase is normally used to mean something like “say true things in a charitable way”. The idea is this: sometimes you have to say hard and challenging things; when you do, make sure you’re using a gracious tone.

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Don’t forget the punchline!

  • Mike Leite
  • 27 May 2016

Telling others around us that we’re Christian or that we go to church is enough, right? Mike Leite suggests that if so, we are forgetting something very important.

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The pain and glory of unanswered prayer

  • Geoff Robson
  • 30 March 2017

Few things can be more confusing or frustrating for Christians than unanswered prayer—especially when we’re sure there are good, obvious reasons for God to grant our requests.

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How to train Bible study leaders: Ten Ideas for Training

  • Tony Payne
  • 28 January 2015

This article continues on from How to train Bible study leaders: Who should we train? In this article, we are focusing on leading a Bible study, but training in the biblical sense always involves the whole of the Christian life. That is, training is a 'total

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