Confronting the ugliness of sin

  • Ruth Baker
  • 27 August 2020

Because our sins live in the dark, we don’t see them unless we turn the light on.

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Christmas Card B (pack of 10)

  • 24 October 2012

FRONT: Merry Christmas; INSIDE: God showed his love in more than words. "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans chapter 5, verse 8. Pack of 10 cards with envelopes.

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Failing fast

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 February 2017

Editorial from Vine Journal 5.

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What heads are supposed to do

  • Hannah Ploegstra
  • 4 March 2016

When we talk about headship we tend to fixate on questions like “Who’s in charge around here?” and “How does God want me to lead the ones I’m in charge of?”

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Cell group day 1: City University Campus, Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Terry Blowes
  • 23 May 2015

It was our first cell group meeting. There was Victoria, a committed student leader in her second year of university; Paula, a new person in her first year of study; and me, the missionary who had arrived to accompany and train leaders. The other people who were invited didn’t come.

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Tell the old story: Christmas talk advice from the book of Judges

  • Peter Sholl
  • 14 December 2015

All over the world this week, Christian leaders, pastors and teachers are asking themselves the same question: “What am I going to say at the Christmas service?” From archbishops to Sunday school teachers, as the days of December pass, the tone of the question moves from one of quiet contemplation to mild and then possibly utter panic.

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The cross preacher

  • Tony Payne
  • 2 June 2015

“You can’t be a cross preacher and appear wise to the world.” This was the provocative line I jotted down about halfway through Phil Colgan’s address at the Nexus 2015 conference. I’m pretty sure, by the way, that ‘cross preacher’ was my abbreviation for ‘a preacher whose sermons are

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Sticks and stones: why words matter

  • Matthias Media
  • 20 April 2015

This is the complete first chapter from Steve Morrison's book Born This Way. A dramatic reversal When I was five years old, my kindergarten class was taught a song about a native Australian bird called the kookaburra. The kookaburra is best known for its distinctive ‘laugh’, which can often be

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Recovering the heart of church planting

  • Stephen Leston
  • 8 December 2016

Church planting isn't just for the young—it's the natural result of discipleship.

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How to commit Sermon-Suicide

  • Timothy Raymond
  • 24 June 2014

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18) If you’ve preached more than, say, a dozen sermons you’ve almost certainly had the experience. Saturday evening you sit back in your desk chair, look at the sermon you intend to deliver the next morning, and marvel,

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