Nine things Titus 2 women do

  • Tara Sing
  • 14 November 2016

Women are encouraged in the book of Titus to be active in looking after the next generation, teaching and modelling to them how to be a woman of God.

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Down-under round-up: 28 October 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 28 October 2015

This week Sandy Grant shares opinions on opinions, motives, anger, degrees of sin, puppetry, and ways to engage with gamblers.

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How to listen well to online sermons

  • John Le
  • 22 September 2020

What should we do to be better listeners of the preached word of God and to be spiritually nourished despite being online?

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A Fresh Start

  • John Chapman
  • 16 October 2009

One of Australia's foremost evangelists, John Chapman, introduces readers to the Jesus he has loved and served for over 50 years. He explains what a Christian is, how to become a Christian and how to begin a new life through Jesus. As a general purpose evangelistic book for giving away, A Fresh Start has proven highly effective over many years.

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The priesthood

  • Tim Grant
  • 4 February 2016

A number of my friends were recently ‘priested’. They took part in a sacred ceremony while wearing strange garments and, standing before the bishop of the land, were consecrated as priests in the church of God.

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Superficiality can’t be solved glibly or easily

  • David Phillips
  • 2 October 2015

You’ve reached the end of a fantastic study. The group has been engaged, asking good questions; you feel like you’re seeing a group of people keen to apply the word of God to their lives. You reach the application questions. And nothing. No one comes up with anything.

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What are you doing Wednesday night?

  • Ian Carmichael
  • 12 January 2017

When it comes to small/growth group ministry in churches, not only is there a surprising shortage of aim-taking, but also a fundamental lack of clarity about what that aim actually is.

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Growth Groups

  • Colin Marshall
  • 20 October 2013

Growth Groups is a 10 week practical, 'hands-on' training program to develop effective small group ('Growth Group') leaders. A training program useful for all Christian ministry, not just Growth Groups, because it deals with the fundamentals of gospel work.

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Six myths of discipleship

  • Colin Marshall
  • 13 April 2015

Myth 1: Discipleship is a second stage of Christian experience, after conversion. You can be a Christian but not a disciple. Many people think of discipleship as what happens after conversion. They think that it’s only after someone becomes a Christian that they ‘disciple’ them, by training them in the

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