Making hard calls

  • Matthias Media
  • 4 September 2014

I love turning up to church and seeing every seat full. Nothing fills me with greater joy than seeing my fellow brothers and sisters gathered and ready, eager to learn from God’s word. I love it when every member of our home group shows up, Bible in hand, and fills

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kategoria CD-ROM

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 16 October 2009

This CD-Rom contains all the published editions of the journal 'kategoria', with a searchable index.

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Is Reformed faith without Reformed works dead?

  • Ian Carmichael
  • 8 September 2016

As we approach the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his Ninety-five Theses to the church door, Ian Carmichael asks how Reformed are we?

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Are growth group leaders pastors?

  • Richard Sweatman
  • 27 April 2017

If so, should we start calling them pastors? If you’re a growth group leader, how would you feel about being called, or calling yourself, a pastor? If you’re a growth group member, would you call your leader your pastor?

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The hero of my story

  • Jean Williams
  • 3 October 2016

Do you take centrestage in your life? Are you the award-winner author of your story? Jean Williams shares the uncomfortable but comforting truth she's learnt about whose story she's in.

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The Word, the Spirit and how God speaks to us

  • Emma Thornett
  • 3 December 2015

Evangelicals are sometimes accused of worshipping God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Bible. Over the years, I’ve heard this criticism in many forms.

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The question of the millennium

  • Stephen Leston
  • 15 June 2015

Matthias Media recently published a book by Steve Morrison called Born This Way, addressing the issue of same-sex attraction by examining both the scientific studies and what God says in the Word. After reading the book, I felt the need to write a short post to encourage others to read it too (no, I wasn’t asked by Matthias to do so!).

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How to “take every thought captive” without becoming a slave to your sin

  • Hannah Ploegstra
  • 26 January 2016

People tell me they’re “taking every thought captive” (2 Cor 10:5). I think they mean they’re trying to ignore the plaguing thoughts that arise out of emotional or spiritual sin and weakness. Thoughts born of worry, lust, despair, fear, and doubt. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t.

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Reaching the Japanese

  • Sam McGeown
  • 10 August 2016

When Japanese people come to Australia and give their lives to Christ, it’s a cause for great celebration. However, as Sam McGeown points out, the work is only just beginning. In this post, Sam presents four tips for preparing Japanese Christians to continue walking with Jesus when they return to Japan.

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Making burdens light without making light of burdens

  • Ruth Baker
  • 4 September 2017

“A problem shared is a problem halved”—but sometimes a problem shared is a problem now two people have.

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