The trouble with travel

  • Emma Thornett
  • 1 June 2001

I've just spent a few weeks travelling and I've made a discovery: travelling and church-going don't mix well. I found that it involved about 45,000 times more effort on my part to go to any church ... let alone a church with good teaching! It wasn't just a problem with my own motivation, either, or the distractions around me. I stayed with people who don't go to church. I found it physically difficult to get around in some cities. There were obstacles at every turn.


And it's hard enough to read my Bible and pray at home, let alone when my routine is completely broken up and I'm seeing new things every day. And I'm tired from the walking most of the time. It was just really hard.


As a result, I found myself getting extremely emotional (teary) upon any contact with other Christians or with God and his Word. I found it amazing that I basically ignored God for a month, but he still provided Christians on the other side of the world to take me in and feed me and care for me. He is truly faithful, and I am not.


Upon reflection, I came to think that travelling for an extended period of time by myself would be very, very unwise, if not just plain stupid. I've always wanted to do the six month (or longer) overseas trip, because I figure that once you spend all that money getting from Australia to anywhere else you might as well have a good look around the place. But I now think my priorities might have to change. It was a nice break for a month, but too much longer and the lack of responsibility (and the centring of my life around myself, instead of others) would become the norm.


I'm not trying to condemn anyone who may have travelled extensively already: I can only relate my own experience. But it has made me think twice about the damage this holidaying habit can cause. It was worth the price of the airfare just to work this out.


If your Christian friends go travelling, don't forget to ask them how they are going with the Lord. When we visited some of our church's link missionaries in Paris, they were very kind and asked us about our Bible reading. They didn't even know me, and yet still had the strength of character to ask me that. Really helpful and loving, if you ask me. A highlight of the trip!
