The Future of Jesus

  • Peter Jensen
  • 16 October 2009
On almost any measure, Jesus has been the most influential human being ever to have lived.

But is the time of his influence coming to an end? Does Jesus have a future in the secular West in the 21st century?

In The Future of Jesus, Dr Peter Jensen, Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, challenges believers and unbelievers alike to think again about Jesus—to consider him as an historical figure whose life, death and teachings lie behind so much of our civilization, and to whom many millions still express allegiance.

Who was Jesus? Can we believe in his miracles? If Jesus announced the coming of the Kingdom of God, why are we still waiting? Was he a failed prophet or a religious genius? And does it matter?

Dr Jensen's unfailingly intelligent investigation of these questions will undoubtedly provoke many to read the Gospels once more for themselves.

Read a review published in The Australian newspaper: "I want to encourage secular Australians, especially those on the Left, to read Jensen's book".

Editor's Note: "The Future of Jesus was first published in 2005 by ABC Books in Australia. But we are delighted that Matthias Media has subsequently been able to acquire the rights to this very significant book. This means we can ensure its continuing availability to an Australian audience, as well as make it available in the UK, USA and other parts of the world. This new edition contains minor updates and adaptations, particularly in view of this broader readership beyond Australia. I'm sure this book will be (or will continue to be) very useful as an evangelistic tool for reaching thoughtful non-Christian readers. But it is also stirring reading for those who already, by God's grace, love and serve Jesus.