A quick thought on leadership

  • Chris Braga
  • 29 November 2013
We often think of leadership in terms of the giftedness of a person, how competent and skilled they are in the things they do. It might be organizational management, preaching, vision setting or other skills. However, as much as leadership involves the competencies of a person, without people following it’s just not leadership.

A leader is born when people start following. In the Bible, Christian people are commanded to submit to the authority of their leaders (Heb 13:17). This submission is voluntary and in response to God's command. If you are going to lead someone it won't be because you have coerced them into it, it won't be because of a title you hold, it will only ever be because they have given you the gift of being their leader.

The reverse is also true. When someone stops being willing to submit to your leadership you stop being in a position to lead them. Until the gift is given again the ability to lead them is lost. So, to everyone who kindly gives this gift each day to their Christian leaders—thank you!