Song of Solomon

  • Kamina Wüst
  • 7 March 2024

Old Testament scholar Kamina Wüst takes us deep inside the Song of Solomon, a mysterious, evocative and sometimes neglected part of Scripture.

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There is no such thing as worldly security

  • Rachel Macdonald
  • 10 December 2018

The Lord is equally in control in both the times when he provides many material comforts and those when he tells us to make do.

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Down-under round-up: 16 September 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 16 September 2015

Sandy Grant's collection of links this week covers the government we can anticipate, mentoring group leaders, prayer and God's control, abortion, rest, God's smashing of barriers, and BP Man.

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Do Catholics and Protestants believe in the same God?

  • Mark Gilbert
  • 20 February 2017

This is different to the question “Can Catholics be Christian?”, to which the answer would be a hearty yes! This question looks at the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church and compares them to those of Protestants and asks if we are talking about the same thing.

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A Song for Every Season (Psalms)

  • James Stone

10 studies on the book of Psalms in the popular Pathway Bible Guides format,

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The danger of Christian sluggishness

  • Ian Carmichael
  • 6 February 2017

One of the things that trouble me about discussions of sermon length is the all-too-frequent assumption that it’s the preachers who need to change if people are switching off in sermons.

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Defend your body with the word

  • Karen Beilharz
  • 4 June 2018

Every day, I need to keep fighting to see myself the way God sees me—to see my reflection in his word instead of between the covers of a glossy magazine.

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Anything worth doing is worth doing badly: A chapter from Wisdom in Leadership

  • Craig Hamilton
  • 10 September 2015

Doing things well and developing new leaders are both valuable and necessary objectives. The trouble is that these two agendas often clash. Training someone up means, almost by definition, that in the beginning they won’t be particularly good at whatever it is they’re learning to do. And they almost certainly won’t be as good at it as you are.

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Keeping the cross front and centre

  • Philip Griffin
  • 8 September 2015

Recently I was talking with a neighbour about church, and he asked me “So what is church all about?” He was curious, and wanted to know what I think is central to what we believe, sing about, pray about and how we relate to one another.

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God save our gracious Queen

  • Sandy Grant
  • 9 September 2015

Today, on the 9th of September, 2015, Queen Elizabeth II becomes the longest reigning monarch of Britain, eclipsing Queen Victoria’s reign of 63 years and 7 months. (She is already Australia’s longest serving monarch, since in modern nation state terms, we are such a young nation!)

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