Refusing the 'me first' marriage: Learning to pray without ceasing for your marriage

  • Mike Taylor
  • 26 October 2020

One sinner plus one sinner doesn’t equal zero conflict. You cannot avoid it because marriage is an unconditional covenant and commitment to an imperfect and sinful person.

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Can I call you mentor?

  • Mike Leite
  • 25 August 2015

One of the things that I am most thankful to God for as a young Christian leader is the older and wiser men and women that God has placed in my life. More specifically, I am thankful for those three or four sage Christian men who have invested their time in me, and who meet with me regularly.

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Down-under round-up: 19 August 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 19 August 2015

This week: public acknowledgement of media bias against those who don't want marriage redefined; what to say to your spouse when you have nothing nice to say; the advantages of consecutive expository preaching; the intolerance of tolerance.

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Social change and gospel preaching

  • Phillip Jensen
  • 4 May 2017

How does a disciple-making agenda fit with the need for us to express our love for our neighbours through engagement in social action?

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The bassinet

  • DB Ryen
  • 2 November 2020

Even though our first pregnancy had successfully produced a healthy baby boy, we unexplainably couldn’t carry a pregnancy to term anymore.

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Como empezar un grupo bíblico

  • Pedro y Teresa Blowes
  • 10 August 2015

La meta con este estilo de lectura bíblica es de promover la participación de todos.

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Calling for loyal followers

  • Peter Sholl
  • 17 August 2015

What do airlines, hotels and other travel-related organizations want from business travellers? Well, obviously my money, but they would never be so crass as to put it like that. Instead they say, “We want your loyalty”.

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The art of biblical interpretation: A covenant book

  • John McClean
  • 14 August 2015

In the ancient world, a covenant established a relationship of solidarity and loyalty. It was based on solemn promises, sealed with signs, and often regulated by a covenant document (the book of Deuteronomy is the fullest example in the Bible). The covenant document came from the lord of the covenant, stating who he was and how the relationship with his people had been established, and giving the conditions of the relationship.

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Six ways to be prepared

  • Ian Carmichael
  • 1 May 2017

One of the ways you “honour Christ the Lord as holy” as a Christian is by “being prepared to make a defense [or a ‘reasoned statement’] to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Pet 3:15).

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Your gut is wrong

  • Mike Leite
  • 5 December 2018

When we teach on some passages, such as God’s good design for human sexuality and the role of men and women, our initial gut reaction is often anything but positive.

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