To travel or not to travel

  • Stephen Liggins
  • 9 September 2019

Despite what many people say, you don’t have to travel! It is not a need or a right, something to which you are entitled.

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Keeping the cross front and centre

  • Philip Griffin
  • 8 September 2015

Recently I was talking with a neighbour about church, and he asked me “So what is church all about?” He was curious, and wanted to know what I think is central to what we believe, sing about, pray about and how we relate to one another.

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God save our gracious Queen

  • Sandy Grant
  • 9 September 2015

Today, on the 9th of September, 2015, Queen Elizabeth II becomes the longest reigning monarch of Britain, eclipsing Queen Victoria’s reign of 63 years and 7 months. (She is already Australia’s longest serving monarch, since in modern nation state terms, we are such a young nation!)

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How to measure ‘fruit’ in your ministry

  • Hannah Ploegstra
  • 14 September 2015

In a previous post, I proposed regarding the analogy of the vine (John 15) that we sometimes mistake our leaves for fruit, thinking that if we’re “getting involved” in ministry, we’re producing fruit. But ministry activities are just leaves—an essential part of the health of our ‘branch’, but not what makes God’s mouth water. Leaves aren’t yummy to him; fruit is.

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Sexual immorality: My personal insights

  • Anonymous
  • 7 September 2015

Married life was typical. It was filled with good times and hard times as the challenges of family set in. He was very open about seeking help and exploring new support groups, and so I thought he was progressing. So it came as a complete shock when he said, “There's something I need to talk to you about. Yesterday I did something really bad.”

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Down-under round-up: 2 September 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 2 September 2015

Sandy Grant with what to read on: agendas pushed in schools, surviving university spiritually, shielding children from the world, the moral logic of abortion, and the final days of a dying Christian.

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What personality tests can't do

  • Jean Williams
  • 4 September 2015

I love personality tests. That’s not surprising, because people with my personality type enjoy self-analysis. My husband, on the other hand, dislikes personality tests. Yet he still uses them in ministry training because he appreciates how useful they can be in helping people understand themselves and others a little better.

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Beware of church assessments

  • Colin Marshall
  • 28 August 2015

I’m worried about the language and concepts of the human resources world being applied to churches and pastors. I hear questions like: What do we do with underperforming pastors who are not growing the church? Are we reinforcing their sense of entitlement by accepting and rewarding underperformance?

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Trust the Bible: A chapter from Wisdom in Leadership

  • Craig Hamilton
  • 26 August 2015

In the midst of life it’s a constant battle to trust the Bible and build on it and hold to it. Worldly wisdom often contradicts the Bible and pushes us to not trust Scripture. Advice from wise friends and family can sometimes contradict the Bible and push us to not trust Scripture.

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Can I call you mentor?

  • Mike Leite
  • 25 August 2015

One of the things that I am most thankful to God for as a young Christian leader is the older and wiser men and women that God has placed in my life. More specifically, I am thankful for those three or four sage Christian men who have invested their time in me, and who meet with me regularly.

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