Review: Do you feel called by God? Rethinking the call to ministry

  • Ben Pfahlert

Michael Bennett’s book is brilliant. I loved it. Let me tell you why.

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Down-under round-up: 12 August 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 12 August 2015

A new anti-religion-in-schools billboard, what has happened to penal substitutionary atonement, the darker side of predestination, a reminder to keep evangelism on the table, and a Psalm of encouragement for those who are suffering.

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Lifelong sponges for Christ

  • Benjamin Swift
  • 27 March 2019

The incredible thing about biblical texts is their ability to continually uncover deeper levels of understanding and insight, despite our having heard or read them many times before.

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The art of biblical interpretation: A covenant book

  • John McClean
  • 14 August 2015

In the ancient world, a covenant established a relationship of solidarity and loyalty. It was based on solemn promises, sealed with signs, and often regulated by a covenant document (the book of Deuteronomy is the fullest example in the Bible). The covenant document came from the lord of the covenant, stating who he was and how the relationship with his people had been established, and giving the conditions of the relationship.

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Is your church a safe house for criminals?

  • Andrew Barry
  • 7 August 2015

When Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, he wept bitterly over the people and spoke about the temple’s imminent obliteration, in part because the temple was operating as a “den of robbers” (Luke 19:41-46). The inspection grade was a clear fail!

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Are growth group leaders pastors?

  • Richard Sweatman
  • 27 April 2017

If so, should we start calling them pastors? If you’re a growth group leader, how would you feel about being called, or calling yourself, a pastor? If you’re a growth group member, would you call your leader your pastor?

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  • Lionel Windsor
  • 26 August 2024

New Testament scholar Lionel Windsor unpacks the book of Ephesians. Having spent years studying Ephesians and teaching from it, Dr Windsor is ideally placed to guide readers through this magisterial letter from the apostle Paul.

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Down-under round-up: 29 July 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 29 July 2015

Summaries and links for further reading on the commodification of the body parts of aborted babies, the invitation to "come as you are", and how to win by not arguing.

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Disciple-making ministry tip: Prayer dice

  • Peter Chubb
  • 28 July 2015

When learning to pray, children (and adults!) often fall into a rut. They use the same words and pray the same things every time. I came up with an idea to help, to make praying fun, and to prompt the people praying to consider more things to pray about.

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How are institutional responses to child abuse affecting your faith?

  • Mark Gilbert
  • 27 July 2015

The Royal Commission will certainly challenge people’s trust in the institution of the Church, whether that be Catholic, Anglican or otherwise. And that is not a bad thing, if, instead of to the Church, we are able to point people’s trust toward the promises of Jesus and him alone.

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