Latest Ideas

Fathering the fatherless in our churches

  • Tim Beilharz
  • 21 January 2016

Currently 20% of Australian and 43% of American children are growing up in homes without fathers. Father-absent homes are common in our communities, our schools, and also our churches.

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Learning godliness from Scripture and a sister

  • Winnie Chan
  • 19 January 2016

As a first year MTS (Ministry Training Strategy) apprentice at my church, St Paul’s Anglican in Sydney’s north-west, I get to help make disciple-making disciples as my full-time job. One of my main ministries and highlights of the week is meeting up with different women in my congregation to read the Bible together and pray for each other, with each other. I also meet up with my trainer, Bon, who pastorally cares for me and teaches me from God’s word as I seek to do the same for others.

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A pastor’s journey: How the text shaped my ministry

  • Stephen Leston
  • 18 January 2016

I‘ve been going through a season of soul-searching recently. One of the things I’ve reflected on is that, as you progress in ministry, you have to manage change on a constant basis. I understood this on one level going into ministry. I understood that the world changes, people change, and cultures change. But one area I had not given a lot of attention to was the fact that I change over the course of ministry.

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One-to-one: Romans 5:1-11

  • Trent Hunter
  • 15 January 2016

In my ministry as a pastor, I schedule a lot of coffee meet-ups with men. I noticed after a while that these involved valuable conversations about people and what was going on in their lives, but I was not using these meetings to adequately engage men with the Scriptures in a planned and direct fashion. We were both missing out on an opportunity for something deeper.

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Down-under round-up: 14 January 2016

  • Sandy Grant
  • 14 January 2016

Sandy Grant's links of the week, focusing on goals and resolutions that can be made at any time.

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Three prayers God will always answer “yes”

  • Hannah Ploegstra
  • 12 January 2016

Many times God answers our prayers with a firm “no”. But there are three prayers to which God’s answer will always be “yes”.

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Question the question: Some new/old expert advice

  • Stephen Liggins
  • 11 January 2016

I remember reading a story a few years back about a time when the great West Indian cricketer Sir Garfield Sobers (perhaps the second greatest cricketer of all time) gave a one-off coaching session to a junior cricket team in Sydney. Afterwards, a journalist asked one of the lucky young boys what he had learned from the great Mr Sobers.

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How to get ahead on Greek before theological college

  • Seumas Macdonald
  • 8 January 2016

So, you’re going to theological college and you want to get started on Greek. You’ve heard it’s a bit hard, but you’ve got a few weeks or months to go, you’re keen to finally tackle God’s word in one of its original languages, and anything you can do to get ahead of the game will help.

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Personal Bible tutoring

  • Ian Carmichael
  • 5 January 2016

Like many churches, we got quite a few visitors at our Christmas carols and Christmas Day service. This year we tried something new: we made available some free books for people to take if they were interested. One was a simple Christmas-themed evangelistic book (A Very Different Christmas, published by the Good Book Company), and the second was The Book of Books (from Matthias Media).

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Training is not an optional extra

  • Rachel Macdonald
  • 4 January 2016

I recently attended the EQUIP Women Leaders Conference . It was a fantastic time of discussion and discovery. I had several ‘light bulb’ moments… and one moment of despair.

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